Amanda is a 6 letter English word.
You can make 55 anagrams from letters in Amanda (aaadmn).
Ultimately, the Italian courts and Italian-American extradition agreements may decide the fate of Amanda Knox.
The case of Amanda Knox has captivated readers on both sides of the Atlantic for seven years.
Amanda led her into the kitchen, and established her by the window.
But the old lady kept her glazed eyes fixed on Amanda's face.
Amanda came home to largely welcoming American arms, her case held up as an example of hostility to Americans abroad.
With a cheerful good-day he was gone, and Amanda drew a long breath of relief.
By Amanda Woerner for Life by DailyBurn Butter is making a comeback—and it has nothing to do with Paula Deen.
Amanda dropped the pile of coverlets on the sofa, and went to the front door.
Amanda had never yet acknowledged that her mother was not in her "perfect mind."
First of all, although it was inspired by the Amanda Knox case, mine is a completely different story.