Actuates is a 8 letter English word. It's valid Scrabble word worth 9 points. It's valid Words with friends word worth 11 points.
You can make 201 anagrams from letters in actuates (aacesttu).
1590-1600; Medieval Latin āctuāt(us) reduced to action (past participle of āctuāre), equivalent to Latin āctu(s) (see act) + -ātus Examples for actuates
Is their purpose to appeal to our understanding, and actuate our humanity?
If thoughts do not actuate it, your distrustful fears and cares will vanish.
There was not a shred of self interest to actuate them; there could not have been.
He was void of any of these feelings which actuate men to do good.
And this all believers should maintain and actuate in themselves.
In Fig. 213 the key is about to actuate the locking mechanism.
But he was perhaps equally void of those which actuate men to do evil.
He had never dared to actuate the "hired man," his father, on a basis of fact.
True it is there are many feelings that actuate me at this moment.
The bill covers not only pieces or controller records, but also the machines which they actuate.