Ventrals is a 8 letter English word. It's valid Scrabble word worth 10 points. It's valid Words with friends word worth 13 points.
You can make 446 anagrams from letters in ventrals (aelnrstv).
1730-40; Latin ventrālis, equivalent to vent(e)r venter + -ālis -al1
The distance from node to node in a vibrating body is called a ventral segment.
Ventri-meson: the middle line of the ventral surface of the body.
Urite: an abdominal segment and, specifically, its ventral portion.
The ventral fins are whitish, the other fins are bluish black.
Their olfactory passage, like that of the Palostraca, must have been ventral.
In nearly every case the dorsal is darker than the ventral surface.
ventral chain: refers to the series of ganglia of the nervous system.
In Snakes, again, we find the dorsal region is darker than the ventral.
The ventral termination of this tube is most instructive and suggestive.
Do not cut off the ventral fin on the side which is to be displayed.