Silurian is a 8 letter English word.
You can make 233 anagrams from letters in Silurian (aiilnrsu).
First recorded in 1700-10; Silur(es) + -ian
There is less doubt respecting the existences of the Silurian rocks.
The banks of the brook at this spot are composed of purple-brown slate (Silurian).
The Wenlock limestone (Silurian) contains an abundance of corals.
The Silurian rocks of the county measure about 300 feet in thickness.
There is no alteration in this except that “Silurian” has become “Cambrian.”
So the old Silurian seas were opened up to breed the fish in.
He was already old in society, and belonged to the Silurian horizon.
There are remains in the Silurian which show that there must have been a few fishes at that time.
Certain Foraminifera have not varied since the Silurian epoch.
We know as yet no Silurian animal that lived on the land or breathed air.