Reclusion is a 9 letter English word. It's valid Words with friends word worth 15 points.
You can make 655 anagrams from letters in reclusion (ceilnorsu).
1350-1400; Middle English Late Latin reclūsiōn- (stem of reclūsiō) a shutting off, equivalent to Latin reclūs(us) recluse + -iōn- -ion
She escaped with two years of reclusion and six more of exile.
It was little likely that the Central prison to which she was consigned in perpetual "reclusion" would ever surrender its prey.
In the central prisons three kinds of punishment exist, forced labour, confinement called 'reclusion,' and correction.
He has been tried and convicted of swindling, in France, and sentenced to five years' reclusion, with labour.
He was thrown into prison and, in 1572, was sentenced to penance and reclusion, thus rendering him ineligible.
Shall I add that the primary cause of my reclusion no longer operated so powerfully?