You can make 59 anagrams from letters in Powell (ellopw).
Powell ranks with Patrick Smith in the hierarchy of Florida historical novelists and that is lofty territory, indeed.
Quashing rumors that the White House had pushed her out, Powell told the press that she'd been planning to retire for months.
Thorgerson and Powell turned to video and film—a smart move given the emergence of MTV.
The stranger at once began to upbraid Powell for being impolite.
There Powell, the prince, welcomed them and made a feast in their honor.
Our friend objected that he did not know Mr Powell from Adam.
“This is the key way to bend the curve,” Powell told The Daily Beast of the mission abroad in a September interview.
Arawn thanked Powell heartily, and bade him see what he had done for him.
In the meantime, Rhiannon planned with Powell to get out of the trouble.
Those that are hesitant about Powell may point to her contentious “resignation” as the first female ambassador to India in March.