You can make 4535 anagrams from letters in Pithecanthropus (acehhinopprsttu).
New Latin (1891) Greek píthēk(os) ape + ánthrōpos man
Thus the author placed Pithecanthropus in a new family, of the order Primates, which he named the Pithecanthropid.
The thigh-bone shows that Pithecanthropus could have stood and walked erect quite comfortably.
This Pithecanthropus excited the liveliest interest as the long-sought transitional form between man and the ape.
Pithecanthropus raises the vexed question as to whether the erect attitude or brain development came first in the story.
Pithecanthropus (of Java) branched off as a distinct genus about the middle of the Miocene.
Maybe Pithecanthropus had a monkey uncle, but no Pithecanthropus ever went monkey.
Nevertheless, even in Pithecanthropus, the brute is passing into the man.
Thus Pithecanthropus has been confidently assigned to a place in a branch of the human family tree.
The remains of Pithecanthropus were recovered from an alluvial deposit at Trinil.
The famous Eppelsheim femur is straighter than, and as slender as that of Pithecanthropus.