Parthian is a 8 letter English word.
You can make 261 anagrams from letters in Parthian (aahinprt).
First recorded in 1520-30; Parthi(a) + -an
Two of these were Nubians, one a Parthian, the other a Spaniard.
The Parthian shot was delivered actually on the way to Mabel's embrace.
It was a principle of the Parthian governmental system to allow the subject peoples, to a large extent, to govern themselves.
He wants to go to the Parthian war, but he has not money to support him.
Tell me now, rather, what is to be heard from the Parthian boundary.
That was her way of replying to the Parthian arrow; but the barb was poisoned.
Caracalla's first question was with reference to the Parthian ambassadors.
The motive of the Parthian king in acting as he did is obvious.
Myra delivered this Parthian shaft over her shoulder as she walked off.
Volagases, with a Parthian army, invades Syria and defeats the Romans.