Nichols is a 7 letter English word.
You can make 174 anagrams from letters in Nichols (chilnos).
"Sit down, Mr. Nichols," went on McGuire indicating a chair.
And as a faint reply was heard, "Get Mr. Nichols some supper."
"Call it a fancy if you like, Mr. Nichols——" he said with a shrug.
And then, "Were you ever acquainted with any princes in Europe, Mr. Nichols?"
When I was kid, I thrived on the Marx Brothers and Woody Allen, Tom Lehrer and Nichols and May.
After being yelled at like that by Christopher, is it comforting or horrifying for Morello to run into Nichols immediately?
One outfitter found a camp in timber—a Nichols camp, with a fresh three-rock campfire.
And then, "You know you're not so bad lookin' yourself, Mr. Nichols!"
Her entire worldview, as Nichols teases her about, is based on West Side Story.
Then Sheriff Onstad got a call: a country shopkeeper had found in his till a check from Nichols.