Kaye is a 4 letter English word.
You can make 23 anagrams from letters in Kaye (aeky).
In Mandeville, and in Kaye, it is presented only in its barest and starkest form.
Before Kaye, edible taxidermy had not yet been introduced to the mainstream on an educational level.
Kaye says that while faddish taxidermy is still with us, it has taken a slightly different shape.
“Even though they've passed away, you have an opportunity to give them a new life,” says Kaye.
I'd stake my life on the integrity of any Kaye was ever born.
He's a descendant of old Jacob Ingraham as well as of the house of Kaye.
"The weather should not be allowed to affect one's spirits," said Mrs. Kaye.
Chef Alex Armstrong prepared the meal for participants while Kaye schooled them in the art of reconstructing ex-rabbits.
For a while Mrs. Kaye remained silent, debating with herself.
Armed with the gruesome tools of the trade, Kaye and Armstrong did the dirty work before students arrived.