Fyrd is a 4 letter English word.
You can make 24 anagrams from letters in fyrd (dfry).
Old English fyrd, fierd, akin to faran to go, fare
If a gesithcund man owning land neglect the fyrd, let him pay cxx.
Harold got together a large fleet to guard the Channel, and called out the fyrd of the southern counties to defend the coast.
By the laws of King Ine161 the gesithcundmen were fined and forfeited their land if they neglected their 'fyrd:'
The English army at Hastings consisted of the fyrd and the corps of huscarles.
All autumn the West Saxon fyrd waited for the enemy, but in the end "it came to naught more than it had oft erst done."
Nevertheless, the main defence of the country rested with the "fyrd."
There rode the king with his fyrd till he reached Badbury against Winburne.
He called out the fyrd, the militia, of all or some of the shires under his obedience.
The king could call men directly to the fyrd, summon them to his court, and tax them without intervention of their lords.