Ayr is a 3 letter English word.
You can make 14 anagrams from letters in Ayr (ary).
The most precious thing in all the parish of Ayr is the cottage in which Burns was born.
They were all taken to Ayr, where the said Thomas Wylie died.
The high-road to Ayr, as we learn also from the Wallace, Bk.
Burns will soon be read by lexicon, even in the shire of Ayr.
That did not satisfy Gordon, who thrashed his colonel with a stick in the streets of Ayr.
We did not omit a visit to the "twa brigs" that span the Ayr.
He threw him ower the brig of Ayr into the water, and he was drowned.
Yet, from Burns's poem we would gather that this latter lived in Ayr.
His name is Burns, an Ayr man, and the gentry are a' makin' much of him.
Send your son to Ayr: if he do weel here, he'll do weel there.