Anagrams of Bopp
Word Bopp has
3 exact anagrams and 17 other words
that can be made by using the letters of Bopp.
- pp.
- op.
- ob.
- Bop
Also called bebop. early modern jazz developed in the early 1940s and characterized by often dissonant triadic and chromatic chords, fast tempos and eccentric rhythms, intricate melodic lines punctuated by pop-tune phrases, and emphasizing the inventiveness of soloists.
Compare cool jazz, hard bop, modern jazz, progressive jazz.
- bp.
- O.
- P.
Paul (Johann von) [poul yoh-hahn fuh n] /paʊl ˈyoʊ hɑn fən/ (Show IPA), 1830–1914, German playwright, novelist, poet, and short-story writer: Nobel Prize 1910.
- PB
- PO
a chamber pot.
- BO
- B-