Pho is a 3 letter English word.
You can make 12 anagrams from letters in pho (hop).
perhaps from French (pot-au-)feu pot-au-feu
The pho will be tranquil in their kingdom, and the Han will be joyful in their empire.
"pho, you put me off with nothing," said Don Hernan, again taking the hand of his remarkable guest.
I could like to please you,' says Fatima, 'but I am sadly afraid;' 'pho!'
pho, you talk too loud: 'tis well you were gabbling in Mexican.
Now, pho joints and Korean restaurants vie with In-N-Out Burger and Jewish delis.
pho, pho, there's no such hurry; I don't know what I have done with her bill.
Eight years later I still find myself craving the crispy Vietnamese lettuce rolls with special house-made chili sauce and the pho.
I always seem to be in the mood for pho Bang no matter what time it is.
It had arisen because the pho´cians had taken possession of lands that were left waste in honor of the god Apollo.
pho, why nothing, only your nephew had a mind to amuse himself sometimes with a little gallantry towards me.